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Making contact with your friend

To initiate contact with your friend is very straight forward, after checking they are online simply double click on their Yahoo!® ID in your friends list, this will open the instant message box similar to that shown in fig 1.3 below:

As you can see in fig 1.3 we have entered the message Hello in the message box, to send your message either press the Enter key or click on the send button, we have also pointed out where the messages will appear.

In fig 1.4 above you can see our message has been sent and our friend has replied, all the messages you send between you and your friend are private and you can chat for as long as you want.

There is a conferencing feature with Yahoo!® Messenger which allows multiple people to chat in the same message box, we will cover this as well as voice conferencing and viewing web cams in upcoming tutorials.

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